
Software that can be categorized as ‘Applications’, i.e., not compilers, tools etc. For a full list see the A-Z list.


BCFtools Variant call manipulation in BCF (and VCF) files.
Bedops A fast, flexible toolset for genome arithmetic.
Bedtools A fast, flexible toolset for genome arithmetic.
Bioconductor (in R) Tools for analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data
Bowtie Sequence alignment
Bowtie2 Sequence alignment
bwa Burrows-Wheeler Aligner, genome sequence mapper
Cufflinks Sequence assembly
Ensembl Tools Varient Effect Predictor script in perl
fgwas Tool for integrating functional genomic information into a GWAS
Gold Suite Protein Docking
HiCUP Genome mapping
MEGAN6 Tool for studying the taxonomic content of a set of DNA reads
SAMtools Sequence alignment and mapping tools
TADtool Hi-C data topological domain analysis
tabix Generic indexer for TAB-delimited genome position files
tophat Splice junction mapper
vcftools Package for working with VCFfiles
jellyfish A tool for fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA.

Computational Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics

Gold Suite Protein Docking
MOE Molecular Operating Environment
VMD Graphical Molecular Visualisation Tool

Mathematics / Data Analytics

Anaconda Scientific Python A scientific python distribution
gauss Numerical and statistical computation, visualization and programming
IPython Notebook Interactive remote execution with web-based viewing of Python (no longer supported, use jupyter notebook)
Julia Interactive scientific programming language
Jupyter Notebook Interactive remote execution with web-based viewing of Python (access from the nyx5,6,7 linux virtual dedktop)
MATLAB Numerical computation, visualization and programming
R Statistical computing and graphics
RStudio GUI-based development environment for R
SAS Data analysis and statistical software
Stata Data analysis and statistical software
Mplus Data analysis and statistical software
MAUD General diffraction/reflectivity analysis primarily based on the Rietveld method

Programming and Development

Anaconda Scientific Python A scientific python distribution
Clojure Java-based dynamic programming language
Compilers – GNU gcc, g++ and gfortran
gauss Numerical and statistical computation, visualization and programming
IPython Notebook Interactive remote execution with web-based viewing of Python (no longer supported, use jupyter notebook)
Jupyter Notebook Interactive remote execution with web-based viewing of Python (access from the nyx5,6,7 linux virtual dedktop)
MATLAB Numerical computation, visualization and programming
NetBeans Java-based IDE
NetLogo Multi-agent modelling environment
R Statistical computing and graphics
RStudio GUI-based development environment for R
Singularity Containers
tensorflow Data flow graph processing

Visualization / Image Processing

EEGLab MATLAB toolbox for EEG/MEG data processing and viz
gauss Numerical and statistical computation, visualization and programming
ImageJ and Fiji Image processing (Java) applications.
IPython Notebook Interactive remote execution with web-based viewing of Python (no longer supported, use jupyter notebook)
Jupyter Notebook Interactive remote execution with web-based viewing of Python (access from the nyx5,6,7 linux virtual dedktop)
MATLAB Numerical computation, visualization and programming
MRIcroGL 3D GPU Medical Imaging
MRIcron Medical Imaging
NetLogo Multi-agent modelling environment
VMD Graphical Molecular Visualisation Tool

Last modified on October 25, 2023 at 1:42 pm by George Leaver