

RStudio is a user interface and development environment for R, the statistical computing environment.

Restrictions on use

There are no access restrictions as it is free and open source software (AGPLv3 license)

Set up procedure

Load the modulefile according to how you are accessing the system and the version of Rstudio and R required (the R modulefile for the version indicated in the table will be loaded automatically):

UPDATE 19/05/2020: The later versions of Rstudio i.e 1.2.* can now be accessed via the Virtual Desktop service (nyx 5/6/7).

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of combos, see the icsf R docs for versions R which could possible used with ‘any-r’ versions of Rstudio.


  • Rstudio 2023.06.2-any-r – for use on incline256 nodes only
    module load apps/gcc/R/x.y.z
    module load apps/binapps/rstudio/2023.06.2-any-r  # Mac users: you may need to use an older version
                                                     # if this doesn't work when using x2go. See below.
  • Rstudio 1.3.1073-any-r – for use on incline256 nodes only
    module load apps/gcc/R/x.y.z
    module load apps/binapps/rstudio/1.3.1073-any-r  # Mac users: you may need to use an older version
                                                     # if this doesn't work when using x2go. See below.
  • Rstudio 1.2.5019 – for use on incline256 nodes only
    module load apps/gcc/R/x.y.z
    module load apps/binapps/rstudio/1.2.5019-any-r
  • Rstudio 1.2.1335 – for use on incline256 nodes only
    module load apps/gcc/R/x.y.z
    module load apps/binapps/rstudio/1.2.1335-any-r
  • Rstudio 1.1.423 – for use on incline256 nodes only
    module load apps/gcc/R/x.y.z
    module load apps/binapps/rstudio/1.1.423-any-r
  • Rstudio 1.0.153 – for use on incline256 nodes only
        module load apps/gcc/R/x.y.z
        module load apps/binapps/rstudio/1.0.153-any-r
  • Rstudio 0.98.1103 and specify a particular version of R:
    module load apps/gcc/R/x.y.z
    apps/binapps/rstudio/0.98.1103-any-r     # Mac users: please try this version if newer versions
                                             # (above) don't work when using x2go.
  • Rstudio 0.98.1103 using R 3.4.2 specifically:
    module load apps/gcc/R/3.4.2 apps/binapps/rstudio/0.98.1103-any-r
  • Rstudio 0.98.983 and specify a particular version of R:
    module load apps/gcc/R/x.y.z
    module load apps/binapps/rstudio/0.98.983-any-r
  • Rstudio 0.98.983 using R 3.1.0 specifically:
    module load apps/binapps/rstudio/0.98.983
  • Rstudio 0.97.551 (not recommended) using R 3.0.2 specifically:
    ### If logging in from nyx3/nyx4 virtual desktop:
    module load apps/gcc/rstudio/0.97.551
    ### If logging in via ssh (PuTTY/MobaXterm/ssh)
    module load apps/binapps/rstudio/0.97.551

Running the application

Once you have loaded the modulefile use the following command to start RStudio:


Once the RStudio user interface starts try running the following command in the console section if new to RSudio:


Known issues

  • If you see an error segmentation fault when you run rstudio then you have the wrong modulefile loaded for how you are accessing the iCSF.
  • If you see an error “The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I’m aborting now.”  when you run rstudio 2023.06.2 then you need to run rstudio –no-sandbox.

Further info

RStudio online documentation.

If you need to add packages, please see the iCSF R documenation for further details.



Last modified on February 20, 2024 at 10:19 am by Celal Yelgel