

Gauss is an easy-to-use data analysis, mathematical and statistical environment based on the powerful, fast and efficient GAUSS Matrix Programming Language.

Version 12 is installed on the iCSF.

Restrictions on use

Access to this software is restricted. A small number of licenses are available to the Faculty of Humanities. Please email if you wish to apply for access.

Set up procedure

To access the software you must first load the modulefile:

module load apps/binapps/gauss/12

Running the application

Having loaded the appropriate modulefile simply run:


The above will start the Gauss GUI. To run the command-line version, use tgauss.

By default Gauss will auto-parallelize some internal function where it thinks there will be a benefit. It will attempt to grab all cores on a node by default. You can set OMP_NUM_THREADS in your environment to use a specific number of cores. For example:


Then run gauss as above.

Further info

  • Gauss website
  • A user guide is available on iCSF using evince $GAUSSHOME/UserGuide12.pdf



Last modified on August 26, 2014 at 3:53 pm by Site Admin