

MRIcron is a program designed to display 3D medical imaging, but does not use a GPU. Hence it can be run on any iCSF node. See MRIcroGL for a similar GPU-enabled application.

Version 6.6.13 is installed on the iCSF.

Restrictions on use

There are no restrictions on accessing this software. It is licensed under a BSD-like license which should be read in the MRIcron Installation Guide (you do not need to do any installation though!)

Set up procedure

To access the executables please load the appropriate modulefile:

module load apps/binapps/mricron/6.6.13

Running the application

Having loaded the appropriate modulefile simply run:


The above will start the MRIcron GUI.

Further info



Last modified on April 14, 2014 at 2:19 pm by Site Admin