
SNPTest is a program for the analysis of single SNP association in genome-wide studies. The tests implemented include

Binary (case-control) phenotypes, single and multiple quantitative phenotypes
Bayesian and Frequentist tests
Ability to condition upon an arbitrary set of covariates and/or SNPs.
Various different methods for the dealing with imputed SNPs.

Restrictions on use

All users may access and use SNPTest. The software is (c) 2007, The University of Oxford.

Running the application

Please do not run SNPTest commands on the login node. qrsh is recommended for some commands. Computationally intense work should be done via the batch system.


The following example first runs SNPTest as a serial job.

#!/bin/bash --login
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -cwd
module load apps/binapps/snptest/2.5.2

snptest \
-summary_stats_only \
-data $SNPTESTDIR/example/cohort1.gen $SNPTESTDIR/example/cohort1.sample $SNPTESTDIR/example/cohort2.gen $SNPTESTDIR/example/cohort2.sample \
-o ex.out

and submit the job using qsub jobscript where jobscript is the name of your job script file.

Further info

Last modified on February 3, 2020 at 3:48 pm by Daniel Nisbet