Visual Colloids


Visual Colloids is a visualisation program used by the department of Chemical Engineering.

There is no version number for this software. It is a 32 bit application. Because we don’t want to support old 32 bit libraries on CSF3 we are now running Visual Colloids within a Singularity container.

Restrictions on use

Only users from CEAS may use this software.

Set up procedure

You will need X11 tunnelling enabled on your CSF connection to use this software.

To access Visual Colloids

module load apps/binapps/visual_colloids/default

When you have finished either log out of the CSF or do module purge again to clear your environment and then load other software as appropriate.

Running the application

To run the software you should type:

visual_colloids -m file.dat

replacing file.dat with the name of the file you wish to visualise. You should type this on the login node, note however, in the background this will spawn a job on one of the interactive nodes. It is possible that the interactive nodes will be too busy to immediately schedule your job.
The following errors/warnings should be ignored:

libGL error: failed to open drm device: No such file or directory
libGL error: failed to load driver: r600

Known Issues

If you generate screenshots from within Visual Colloids they will always be written as png files in your home directory rather than the current directory.

Further info

There is very little documentation for this software. Limited help can be accessed by pressing ? while the software is running.



Last modified on May 14, 2019 at 12:56 pm by Daniel Corbett