
A general purpose explicit solver from ANSYS.

Versions 19.2 & 18.1 are available on CSF3.

Restrictions on use

Only users who have been added to the fluent group can run the application. Owing to licence restrictions, only users from the School of MACE can be added to this group. Requests to be added to the fluent group should be emailed to

The majority of users are restricted to serial jobs. Those from a specific research group who have purchased parallel licenses need to be added to the lsdyna group.

Set up procedure

Once you have been added to the fluent group, you will be able to access the executables after issuing the appropriate module command:

module load apps/binapps/ls-dyna/19.2
module load apps/binapps/ls-dyna/18.1

Running the application

Please do not run LS-DYNA on the login nodes. All computational work must be submitted to the batch system.

Please note that there are a VERY limited number of license tokens for this software. You MUST include a license check in your jobscript to ensure that if licenses are not available when the job tries to start it automatically re-queues (wihtout this your job will fail if there are not enough license tokens).

Due to the limited number of license tokens queue waiting times may be much longer than for other types of work on the CSF.

Serial batch job submission

#!/bin/bash --login
## Use current directory
#$ -cwd                  

# Load the software
module load apps/binapps/ls-dyna/18.1

## Check that enough licenses are available and if not requeue (Rq) the job.

lsdyna i=myinputfile

replacing myinputfile with the name of your input file.

Then submit the job with the command: qsub scriptname

where scriptname is the name of your batch script.

Parallel batch job submission


You must have your own licenses (hosted centrally by IT Services) and then you also need to be added to the lsdyna group on the CSF to run parallel work.

#!/bin/bash --login
## Use current directory
#$ -cwd

## The only valid pe is .
#$ -pe 2

module load apps/binapps/ls-dyna/18.1

## Check that enough licenses are available and if not requeue (Rq) the job.


lsdyna i=myinputfile ncpus=$NSLOTS

replacing myinputfile with the name of your input file. $NSLOTS will automatically get set to the number you put on the line.

Then submit the job with the command: qsub scriptname

where scriptname is the name of your batch script.

Important notes about parallel jobs

  • The maximum job size is 7.
  • If one 7 core job is running it will use all the parallel licenses. Other parallel jobs will queue until enough licenses are available. Please bear in mind that the runtime limit for jobs is 7 days.
  • Please be kind to your colleagues – do not queue up lots of parallel work.
  • If parallel licenses are in use on PCs on campus then parallel jobs on the CSF may queue until enough licenses become available.

Last modified on December 5, 2018 at 10:29 am by Pen Richardson