
FEAT-WMT is a Finite Element Weld Modelling Tool.

Versions 3.21.1 & 3.20.0A are installed on the CSF.

Restrictions on use

This software is restricted to members of Prof. Mike C. Smith’s research group. All requests for access should be made to:


Please copy Prof. Smith on your request: mike.c.smith@manchester.ac.uk (alternatively, we will contact him to verify the request).

Set up procedure

To access the software you must first load the modulefile:

module load apps/binapps/feat_wmt/3.21.1
module load apps/binapps/feat_wmt/3.20.0

We recommend that you now do this as part of your batch job script rather than on the login node command line prior to submission. See below for an example script.

Running the application

Please do not run FEAT-WMT on the login node. Jobs should be submitted to the compute nodes via batch.

Important input file information regarding cores

You must ensure that the number of cores you request from batch and the number of cores FEAT-WMT is instructed to use are the same. If these two do not match you could under utilise resources (causing longer queues on the system) or interfere with other jobs sharing the same node as your job and potentially causing the node to be overloaded and crash.

For serial jobs there are two approaches:

  • Do not specify any threads and it will default to 1. For example:
    change parm solve linsys
  • OR set threads to 1. For example:
  • change parm solve linsys threads integer 1

For parallel jobs this number must match the number you put on the -pe line of your submission script.

  • For example:
    change parm solve linsys threads integer 4
  • where the number on the end needs to match your batch core request.

Serial batch job

Create a job submission script, for example:

#!/bin/bash --login
#$ -cwd          ## Current directory

module load apps/binapps/feat_wmt/3.20.0

featmacro=wmt feat noviewer < input > output

Where input is the name of your input file and output is the name of the file you want to put the results in. All files required for the job should be in the cwd.

Submit the jobscript using:

qsub scriptname

where scriptname is the name of your jobscript.

Parallel batch job

Create a job submission script, for example:

#!/bin/bash --login
#$ -cwd          ## Current directory
#$ -pe smp.pe 4  ## Maximum 32 cores

module load apps/binapps/feat_wmt/3.20.0

featmacro=wmt feat noviewer < input > output

Where input is the name of your input file and output is the name of the file you want to put the results in. All files required for the job should be in the cwd.

Submit the jobscript using:

qsub scriptname

where scriptname is the name of your jobscript.

Example batch job

An example of a batch job and input file can be found in


Interactive Usage

If you need to run the software interactively please do so via qrsh. For example:

qrsh -l short
module load apps/binapps/feat_wmt/3.20.0

Further info

  • FEAT website
  • Details of the WMT test set and a short summary of each can be found in/downloaded from $FEAT_WMT_HOME/elguides/wmt.pdf.
    • To read it on the CSF in a new window use evince $FEAT_WMT_HOME/elguides/wmt.pdf &.

Last modified on November 3, 2021 at 3:08 pm by Ben Pietras