

Neper is a software package for polycrystal generation and meshing. It can deal with 2D and 3D polycrystals with very large numbers of grains. Neper is built around four modules: generation, meshing, simulation and visualization. All the input data are prescribed |non-interactively, using command lines and / or ASCII files.

Neper uses several external software packages:

mesh-specific packages: Gmsh, libScotch.
general-purpose packages: GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
graphics package: POV-Ray

Version 4.0.1 is available on CSF3.

Restrictions on use

Neper is distributed as a free/open-source software, under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Set up procedure

To use the software you will need to load the modulefile:

# Neper 4.0.1
module load apps/gcc/neper/4.0.1

This will load all required packages including gmsh and povray as well as the NLopt library.

Running the application

Neper must be run in batch


Serial batch job submission

  • Make sure you have the module loaded.
  • Create or upload an input file to your working directory.
  • Write a submission script, for example:
    #!/bin/bash --login
    ## Use the current directory as the working directory - input and output files are here
    #$ -cwd
    module load apps/gcc/neper/4.0.1
    neper module_name module_arguments 
    # Where the module name can be -T,-M,-S or-V, and the module arguments can include both required input data and options.
  • Submit with: qsub scriptname

Parallel batch job submission

  • Make sure you have the module loaded.
  • Create or upload an input file to your working directory.
  • Write a submission script, for example:
    #!/bin/bash --login
    ## Use the current directory as the working directory - input and output files are here
    #$ -cwd
    #$ -pe 4          # Number of cores (2--32). 
    module load apps/gcc/neper/4.0.1
    neper module_name module_arguments 
    # Where the module name can be -T,-M,-S or-V, and the module arguments can include both required input data and options.
  • Submit with: qsub scriptname
  • Further info

    • Further information including detailed documentation can be found on the Neper Website

Last modified on June 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm by Chris Grave