Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) is a large-eddy simulation (LES) code for low-speed flows, with an emphasis on smoke and heat transport from fires.
Version 6.7.1 is installed on the CSF3. It was compiled with Intel Compilers 17 (using -msse2 -axSSE4.2,AVX,CORE-AVX2,CORE-AVX512
and openmpi 3.1.1.
Restrictions on use
This software is open-source so all CSF users may use it. Please ensure you read the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) disclaimer on the FDS website.
Set up procedure
For single (up to 32 core) and multiple node jobs:
module load apps/intel-17.0/fds/6.7.1
Running the application
- Please do not run FDS on the login node.
- All Jobs should be submitted to the compute nodes via batch.
- It is recommended to run FDS using multiple cores using mpi.
- The
in the examples is important as it ensures correct utilisation of resources.
Parallel batch job submission – up to 32 cores on a (single compute node)
Make sure you have the modulefile loaded then create a batch submission script, for example:
#!/bin/bash --login #$ -cwd #$ -pe smp.pe 5 module load apps/intel-17.0/fds/6.7.1 mpirun -np $NSLOTS fds MY_SIM.fds
Submit the jobscript using:
qsub scriptname
where scriptname is the name of your jobscript.
Parallel batch job submission – multiple nodes – 48 cores or more in multiples of 24 (max. 120 cores)
Make sure you have the ib modulefile loaded then create a batch submission script, for example:
#!/bin/bash --login #$ -cwd #$ -pe mpi-24-ib.pe 48 mpirun -np $NSLOTS fds MY_SIM.fds
Submit the jobscript using:
qsub scriptname
Further info