

A number of python scripts are provided by this installation. The following information came from the maintainers webpage: – Replace FASTA labels with xxx1, xxx2, xxx3 etc, where xxx is a prefix provided as a commend-line argument. Used e.g. to label OTUs as OTU_1, OTU_2 etc. – Strips barcode and primer, adds barcode sequence or barcode label to read label. – Converts from FASTA + QUAL format to FASTQ. – Converts .uc output file from mapping reads to OTUs to an OTU table in tabbed text format.

No version number was available for the scripts, so the install date 02jun2015 has been used to distinguish them from future installs.

Restrictions on use

No license information was available at install time.

Set up procedure

To access the software you must load the modulefile:

module load  python/fasta_number/02jun2015

This loads anaconda python suite 3.6.5 for you.

Running the application

Please do not run fasta_number (and associated scripts) on the login node. It should be used within batch jobs.

Serial batch job submission

Coming soon.

Parallel batch job submission

These scripts are not suitable to parallel processing. If you wish to run many similar serial jobs then please use an SGE job array.

Further info


Installed on CSF3 17-May-2019.

Last modified on May 17, 2019 at 11:17 am by Daniel Nisbet