ANSWERS provides Monte Carlo software tools for nuclear criticality safety and reactor physics analysis.
- MCBEND 10a_ru1, 11a_ru0
- MONK 10a_ru0, 10a_ru0_x64, 10b_ru0_x64
- WIMS 11a_dv10(serial), 11a_dv10(mpi)
- WIMS 11b_dv11(serial), 11a_dv11(mpi)
- WIMS 11b_dv14(mpi)
- VisualWorkshop 3b_ru0
VisualWorkshop 4a_ru0
The following products are available upon request (we have not written modulefiles for these as they are rarely used. If you use them on Redqueen you may set up their environment manually. Please contact us if you require a modulefile for these products).
- MONK 9a_ru1
- WIMS 9a_ru1
- vista-ray3a ru0
- visage5a_ru0
- launchpad2a_ru0
- WimsBuilder 2a_ru0, 3a_ru0
Restrictions on use
Access to this software is restricted to a specific research group. Please contact for more information.
Set up procedure
To access the software you must first load one of the following modulefiles:
module load apps/binapps/answers/monk/10b_ru0_mpi # 64bit parallel MPI version module load apps/binapps/answers/monk/10b_ru0 # 64bit serial version module load apps/binapps/answers/monk/10a_ru0_64bit # 64bit parallel MPI version module load apps/binapps/answers/monk/10a_ru0 # 32bit serial version (not recommended but works) module load apps/binapps/answers/wims/11b_dv14_mpi # 64bit parallel MPI version module load apps/binapps/answers/wims/11b_dv11_mpi # 64bit parallel MPI version module load apps/binapps/answers/wims/11b_dv11 # 64bit serial version module load apps/binapps/answers/wims/11a_dv10_mpi # 64bit parallel MPI version module load apps/binapps/answers/wims/11a_dv10 # 64bit serial version module load apps/binapps/answers/wims/10a_ru0 # 32bit serial version (not recommended but works)
module load apps/binapps/answers/visualworkshop/4aqrsh -l short module load apps/binapps/answers/visualworkshop/3b # 32bit version (singularity image) VisualWorkshop # This will then open the container that runs Visualworkshop, to open it enter the following Singularity>VisualWorkshop # NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE ON CSF3 module load apps/binapps/answers/visualworkshop/3a
Nuclear Data Libraries
Various nuclear data libraries are available in the directory given by the environment variable:
For example, to see what is available, run:
You can use the $ANSWERS_DATA
in your jobscripts (see below for examples).
After loading a modulefile you can access the software manuals in the installation area. Use the evince
command to read PDF manuals on the CSF login node.
cd $ANSWERS_HOME/manuals ls # Example: cd wims11_manual_draft1 ls evince burnup.pdf
Running the applications
Please do not run MONK or WIMS on the login node. Jobs should be submitted to the compute nodes via batch.
The VisualWorkshop application is run from a script on the login node. This will automatically request an interactive session on a backend compute node. VisualWorkshop will only run if the qrsh
interactive session can be scheduled by the system (i.e., if there is a free core available in the interactive area).
VisualWorkshop (GUI)
Load the appropriate modulefile (see above) then run the following command on the CSF login node:
# Run this on the CSF login node. It will request an interactive job. VisualWorkshop_csf
If there is a free core on an interactive node on which to run the application the GUI will start. If all of the interactive resources are in use you will see a message:
Your "qrsh" request could not be scheduled, try again later.
Please try again later.
If you prefer to start an interactive session first, and then run VisualWorkshop please do the following:
# From the CSF login node request an interactive session qrsh -l short # When you have been logged in to the compute node: module load apps/binapps/answers/visualworkshop/3b # Now run the app interactively - this won't request a compute node - you are already on one! VisualWorkshop_inter
Note that the interactive session will run for a maximum of 1 day.
Serial batch job submission
Make sure you have the required MONK modulefile loaded then create a batch submission script, for example:
#!/bin/bash --login #$ -cwd # Job will run from the current directory # We recommend loading the modulefile in the jobscript (change to your required version) module load apps/binapps/answers/monk/10b_ru0 monk10b.out datsets=datsets.lis
Submit the jobscript using:
qsub scriptname
where scriptname is the name of your jobscript.
Parallel batch job submission
Make sure you have the required MONK modulefile loaded then create a batch submission script, for example:
#!/bin/bash --login #$ -cwd # Job will run from the current directory #$ -pe 8 # Number of cores to use (Available 2 to 32) # Note: If you were previously running multi-node jobs # using on either CSF or Redqueen # please email for help. # We recommend loading the modulefile in the jobscript (change to your required version) module load apps/binapps/answers/monk/10b_ru0_mpi mpirun -n $NSLOTS monk10b_mpi.out datsets=datsets.lis
Submit the jobscript using:
qsub scriptname
where scriptname is the name of your jobscript.
Serial batch job submission
Create a batch submission script, for example:
#!/bin/bash --login #$ -cwd # Job will run from the current directory ### We recommend loading the modulefile in the jobscript (change to your required version) module load apps/binapps/answers/wims/11a_dv10 ### Change this to select your required nuclear library export LIBRARY=$ANSWERS_DATA/w10j312v1.dat wims11a_dv10_64.out library=$LIBRARY input=./my_sim.txt output=./my_sim.out space=8000000
Submit the jobscript using:
qsub scriptname
where scriptname is the name of your jobscript.
Parallel batch job submission
Create a batch submission script, for example:
#!/bin/bash --login #$ -cwd # Job will run from the current directory #$ -pe 8 # Number of cores to use (Available 2 to 32) ### We recommend loading the modulefile in the jobscript (change to your required version) module load apps/binapps/answers/wims/11a_dv10_mpi ### Change this to select your required nuclear library export LIBRARY=$ANSWERS_DATA/w10j312v1.dat ### You must specify the full path to the wims executable using ### $WIMS_HOME/wims11a_dv10_64.out otherwise your job will fail ### if it tries to run the wecco executable as part of the job. mpirun -n $NSLOTS $WIMS_HOME/wims11a_dv10_64.out library=$LIBRARY \ input=./my_sim.txt output=./my_sim.out space=8000000
Submit the jobscript using:
qsub scriptname
where scriptname is the name of your jobscript.
Further info