Bede – N8-CIR GPU Cluster
Below, we provide some some local information about N8 CIR‘s GPU cluster, named bede.
A new GPU Cluster – Bede
N8 CIR’s GPUsupercomputer, Bede, comprises of 32 x IBM Power9 dual-CPU nodes, each with 4 NVIDIA Volta V100 GPUs, giving a total of 128 GPUs.
There are also six Nvidia Grace GH200 “superchip” nodes (one login, five compute.) Connectivity within a node is optimised by both the CPUs and GPUs being connected to an NVIDIA NVLink 2.0 bus, and outside of a node by a dual-rail Mellanox EDR InfiniBand interconnect, allowing GPUDirect RDMA communications (direct memory transfers to/from GPU memory).
The POWER part of bede is expected to close around March 2026, though it is assumed the GH nodes will still be available after that.
A comprehensive overview of Bede’s hardware, including details of the login nodes, GPU nodes and inference nodes can be found at the N8CIR Bede hardware page.
Quick Links
- N8-CIR Bede project application page (please note: Only PIs / supervisors can apply for projects. PhD candidates / researchers can then be added to the project.)
- Bede Online Documentation (for users of the system.)
- SAFE (Bede project and user management site, hosted by EPCC.)
- (local bede support email.)
Requesting access
Users with multi-GPU codes that can scale up to multi-node usage, or users who wish to develop and test such codes, may be suitable for a Bede account.
PGR students and post-doc researchers should ask their PI/supervisor to make the request. You can then be added to the project in the project management system. But the PI/Supervisor must make the application to use Bede.
How to apply: Project PI/Supervisors only should complete the form at: N8-CIR Bede project application page.
This asks for some brief details about the project. Access to Bede is on a per-project basis so that jobs run on the system are accounted in the correct project. The project PI should make the project registration. Then, login accounts on Bede can be set up for anyone working on that project.
If you would like to discuss your application before submitting it, please email and we’ll be in touch.
Restrictions: CPRD Data
Please note: It is not possible for University of Manchester researchers to process CPRD (Clinical Practice Research Datalink) data on bede. This is a restriction imposed by the data provider due to the physical location of the Bede system, which is not housed at UoM.
Requesting support
In the first instance please see the Bede Online Documentation. If that doesn’t solve the problem, the Research Infrastructure Team here in Manchester have some dedicated resource to help with all Bede related queries:
(please include as much info as possible to help us diagnose any problems).
Please also see the N8CIR Bede website for access to online documentation, lists of installed apps and access to RSE support.
PI Project Management
PIs with projects on Bede can manage their projects (user access) via SAFE (EPCC’s tier1&2 supercomputer project management site).