Requesting Storage

How do I request research data storage?

Please note: Students (including PhD candidates) may not apply for Research Data Storage and are not entitled to any free allocation of RDS . The PI of a research project may apply for storage for that project and access to that can given to PhD candidates working on that project.

Applications for storage should be made via the RDS service request form.
Requests via this form are sent directly to the Research IT team for approval.

What happens after I submit the form?

Your request will be routed to the Research IT team. They will contact you to discuss the details of your request, in particular:

The Research IT team will usually be able to determine the best options based on the use-case information you provide in the request form – hence you do not need to know the technical names and details when applying for your storage.

Is it free (at the point of use)? How much can I have?

Please see the Research Data Storage Charging Model (UoM login required) for details of how much storage can be allocated and whether there will be a charge or not.

Storage allocated to you will usually be thin-provisioned, i.e., it will not all be available initially. In practice, a project will be allocated a moderate amount of space up front and this allocation will grow each year until the limit of your allocated is reached.


The charges for research storage over and above the University-funded allocation are given in the Research Data Storage Charging Model (UoM login required).

Last modified on January 9, 2025 at 3:34 pm by George Leaver