Symbolic Links (Soft and Hard)

Does Isilon support Unix Extensions for mounting CIFS shares on Linux?

Unfortunately not. Isilon switched from using Samba to a product called Likewise a year or two back. Likewise does not support Unix Extensions.

Does Isilon support symbolic links over CIFS?

Isilon does not support Windows symbolic links over CIFS.


  • does not support the POSIX Extensions required for use of soft links on Linux systems via CIFS (e.g. ln -s over CIFS will fail);
  • but hard links are supported.

A request for enhancement has already been made (February 2013) to EMC.

Does Isilon support symbolic links over NFS?

Yes, both hard and soft links are supported.

Last modified on February 10, 2014 at 11:21 am by riwpadmin