List of libraries for parallel and serial software development. For a full list of software see the A-Z list.
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Boost | C++ library. |
CUDA, cuDNN, NCCL, TensorRT and HPC-SDK | Nvidia CUDA libraries and compiler |
FFTW | FFTW - Fast Fourier Transfrom library |
GDAL | Translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats |
GEOS | C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS) |
HDF5 | Library and tools to process hierarchical data format files for large scientific data files. |
HYPRE | High performance preconditioners and solvers featuring multigrid methods |
JPEG | Independent JPEG Group's JPEG library and tools |
MKL | Intel Math Kernel Library of optimized maths routines |
MPI (OpenMPI) | Message Passing Interface library |
NAG Libraries | User callable routines for mathematical and statistical computation |
OpenMP | Open Multi-Processing library |
PROJ | Geospatial coordinates coordinate reference system transformations |
TBB | Intel Thread Building Blocks for parallel software development. |
UDUNITS | C library and tool for units of physical quantities |