
List of libraries for parallel and serial software development. For a full list of software see the A-Z list.


BoostC++ library.
CUDA, cuDNN, NCCL, TensorRT and HPC-SDKNvidia CUDA libraries and compiler
FFTWFFTW - Fast Fourier Transfrom library
GDALTranslator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats
GEOSC++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS)
HDF5Library and tools to process hierarchical data format files for large scientific data files.
HYPREHigh performance preconditioners and solvers featuring multigrid methods
JPEGIndependent JPEG Group's JPEG library and tools
MKLIntel Math Kernel Library of optimized maths routines
MPI (OpenMPI)Message Passing Interface library
NAG LibrariesUser callable routines for mathematical and statistical computation
OpenMPOpen Multi-Processing library
PROJGeospatial coordinates coordinate reference system transformations
TBBIntel Thread Building Blocks for parallel software development.
UDUNITSC library and tool for units of physical quantities

Last modified on September 4, 2018 at 11:08 am by George Leaver