Apply for access to The HPC Pool
To apply for access to the HPC Pool please fill in our form with answers to ALL of the questions below.
Please note that only project PIs / supervisors should complete the following questions.
- Name of your Research Group.
- Would you like to nominate a deputy? This could be an active user of the project who can take on some of the administration e.g. providing feedback, act a general point of contact. If yes, please provide their name and email address.
- Please provide a title for your research project and a brief description (approx. 150 words) that is suitable for a general audience.
- Is the project funded? If yes please name the funding body/partner and your University R-code(s).
- Which software/codes do you intend to use?
- Using the Resource Information (below) as a guide, please indicate your expected usage of the system for each of the following categories
- Number of users (you can provide their names in Q10 if you know now who they will be)
- Number of cores per typical job
- Wallclock time per typical job (hours)
- Number of such jobs a month (approximate total taking into consideration your number of users)
Resource Information:
- Each compute node is 32 cores and 192GB of RAM (6GB per core).
- The minimum job size is 128 cores. The maximum job size is currently 1024 (this may change based on demand). Fully populated compute-nodes must be used (jobs use multiples of 32 cores).
- Maximum wallclock time is 4 days.
- For how long do you expect to need access?
- Please provide evidence that your job scales (for example it completes faster, or you are able to tackle a bigger problem, with more cores.) Please read through the Software Scaling page for more info on this matter.
- Do you agree to the following access conditions (access cannot be granted without accepting all of the conditions)?
- This resource is being provided by the University at no cost to you in the short term.
- At some point in the near future all significant future usage may be charged for
- All access to the resource will be reviewed annually (at the same point in the year for all projects) and may be renewed or revoked.
- You will be expected to provide a report annually of how your project has used and benefited from the access including a list of papers published.
- All information you provide in this application may be used to help promote The HPC Pool (for example via our website, newsletter, twitter, leaflets) and in future business cases to the University for future service development.
- Is there any further information you would like to supply? For example, a list of people who you know need access.
Thank you for your application. We will get back to you as soon as we can and let you know if you have any further questions. We aim to confirm whether your access to the HPC pool has been granted within 2 working days of receiving it.