Serial Jobs (Slurm)
The instructions in this section are for users who have been asked to test applications in the Slurm batch system on the upgraded CSF3, thereby helping us to ensure the upgraded system is running as expected.
(answering these requests will slow down our upgrade work!)
Serial batch job submission (Slurm)
For jobs that require one CPU core.
Please also consult the software page specific for the code / application you are running for advice running your application.
A serial job script will run in the directory (folder) from which you submit the job. The jobscript takes the form:
#!/bin/bash --login #SBATCH -p serial # Partition is required. Runs on an Intel Haswell node (during cluster testing) #SBATCH -t 4-0 # Wallclock limit (days-hours). Required! # Max permitted is 7 days (7-0). # Load any required modulefiles. A purge is used to start with a clean environment. module purge module load apps/some/example/1.2.3 # Now the commands to be run by the job. serialapp.exe # If an app needs to be told explicitly to use one core, use $SLURM_NTASKS. For example: serialapp --cores $SLURM_NTASKS # # Check your app's documentation for its required flags!
In the above jobscript, we do not explicitly specify the number of cores. In this case, the default is assumed:
#SBATCH -n 1 # Causes the $SLURM_NTASKS env var to be set to 1
If you require the $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASKS
env var in your jobscript (set to 1), then you should specify:
#SBATCH -c 1
Command-line one-liner
The above serial job can also be achieved all on the command-line on the login node (a quick way of running a serial job in batch).
Note that you will need to load any modulefiles before submitting the job. The batch system will take a copy of any settings made by the modulefile so that they are visible to the job when it eventually runs. You could logout of the CSF before the job runs and it will still have a copy of the modulefile settings allowing the job to run correctly.
module purge module load apps/some/example/1.2.3 sbatch -p serial -t 4-0 --wrap="theapp.exe optional-args" # # The wallclock time limit is now required. # This example specifies 4 days (0 hours).
where optional-args
are any command line flags that you want to pass to the theapp.exe
program (or your own program). The --wrap
flag indicates the filename submitted (theapp.exe
) is a binary (executable) program, not a jobscript.
AMD Serial Hardware
Not currently possible – please use the Intel hardware for serial jobs.
Intel Serial Hardware
Serial jobs can run on various Intel compute-nodes. The type of Intel hardware used (amount of memory available to the job, CPU architecture, runtime) can be controlled with extra jobscript flags as shown below.
Note: You must specify the serial
partition AND a job “wallclock” timelimit.
Partition name: serial
Optional Resources | Node type | Additional usage guidance |
-C scratch-old |
6GB/core | Intel Skylake node (32 cores). The old scratch f/s (from CSF3) is available at /scratch-old/$USER . |