Services News
Important news and announcements — including information about outages — are given immediately below for all RI Team services. Such information will also be disseminated via user email lists, where appropriate.
Details of system changes and updates about ongoing issues for each RI Team service are posted further down the page, in the appropriate section.
RI Support – how to get help
Please note that the Research Infrastructure Team members are working in a hybrid manner, a mixture of time in the office and at home.
For information on how to submit an enquiry about or a request for help with CSF, iCSF, RDS, condor and related services please see our Help page.
Christmas Closure 2024
As with previous years Research IT will be closed for the Christmas period. This year the period is from 5pm Friday 20th December 2024, reopening on 9am Thursday 2nd January 2025. There will be no support available during this time for any Research IT services.
If you have any queries about Research Infrastructure services during this period please fill in the appropriate form and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible in the New Year:
CSF/iCSF/HPC Pool/Condor/X2GO/nyx:
Research Data Storage: (although the short link saya ‘apply. you can use it for all RDS queries)
Research Virtual Machines:
We hope you all have a lovely holiday!
Accessing our services from Off Campus
Please see our dedicated guide.
Current RI Services’ Status
All services are running normally.
Issues with log in to Research Infrastructure Services?
Can’t Login? “Account Locked” Message? Following the recent University-wide password reset, a number of users have been unable to login to the CSF, receiving an “account locked” message.
This is NOT a problem with the CSF. It is caused by your central IT user account being locked.
A common cause is that a mobile app or laptop/desktop app is still using your old password. For example, if you didn’t log out of an email app on your phone before changing your password, it could still be using your old password. You’ll need to sign out of the app and sign in again.
If you saved your password in an app such as MobaXterm, VSCode or WinSCP, then it may still be trying to login with your old password. You’ll need to remove the password from these apps (we recommend that you don’t save passwords in apps.)
You will need to contact the IT Help Desk to have your IT account unlocked – Research IT CANNOT do this for you.
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CSF Updates
Permanent notice: Scratch files over THREE months old being deleted
Scratch is not intended for long-term storage of files. Files not accessed for THREE months or more are deleted. All users should regularly tidy up their scratch files to avoid data loss. Full details about the policy.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us via the HPC Help form
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iCSF Updates:
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RVMS Updates:
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