General Software Information
Many widely used pieces of software are installed in central locations for your convenience and to avoid replication on the system. Most of the software is available across the cluster.
Centrally installed software on the iCSF is accessed through use of user environment modules (which set up your environment to run an application).
Select from the categories of applications in the menu on the left.
Requesting Additional Software
If you wish to access software we do not have on the system please contact us via our HPC help form ; we will discuss the requirement with you and do our best to help. Usually it is possible to add most freely available software and commercial packages, where licenses exist on campus. Commercial software which does not have a campus license can be more problematic to handle so please contact us before assuming that a purchase you wish to make will work on the iCSF. For software that only one user requires it might be deemed most suitable for you to install it in your home directory. Although we may be able to install software we cannot guarantee to provide in-depth support for every package.
Please note that linux has a lot of packages which we cannot list here, but which are available by default on the command line.