C++ code for printing hello world

C++ code for printing “Hello World”, displaying the current working directory and the GNU compiler version.

Compiling using Intel compiler suite version 15.0.3 and submitting to HTCondor

  • module load intel_compilers/v15.0.3
  • icpc hello_world_icc.cc -o hello_world
  • condor_submit submit_icpc1503.txt

using the following HTCondor submit file.

Compiling using Intel compiler suite version 11.1.075 and submitting to HTCondor

  • module load intel_compilers/v11.1.075
  • icpc hello_world_icc.cc -o hello_world
  • condor_submit submit_icpc111075.txt

using the following HTCondor submit file.

Last modified on June 26, 2019 at 11:43 am by Daniel Corbett