Common Linux System Tools and Utilities

List of tools for common tasks such as editing files, that are usually installed as part of the Linux installation. Please not that while these tools are often run on the login node, if you are processing large files or running jobs that take more than a few minutes to run, please run these tools via the batch queue. This can easily be done with a simple jobscript.

Long running post-processing jobs may be killed if they are affecting the performance of the login node.

Tools and Utilities

git & git-lfsFree and open source distributed version control system
pigz and unpigzParallel gzip file compression/decompression
XMGrace2D interactive plotting tool

Common Linux (CentOS) Tools and Utilities

geditA simple text editor, similar to notepad

Last modified on October 30, 2020 at 3:59 pm by George Leaver