
Software that can be categorized as ‘Applications’, i.e., not compilers, tools etc. For a full list see the A-Z list.

Available application categories: bio chemistry CAE/CFD/FEA Compilers Data files utils Earth Sciences Scripting languages Mathematics Physics Machine-learning System Tools GPU-capable Programming Tools Visualization


Anaconda PythonA scientific python distribution

Computational Chemistry and Molecular Dynamics

AmberA general purpose molecular mechanics/dynamics suite
CP2KAtomistic and molecular simulations
Gaussian 09Molecular Dynamics simulation package.
Gaussian16Performs semi-empirical and ab-initio molecular orbital calculations
Gaussian16 Linda (multinode)Multi-node version of Gaussian
GROMACSMolecular Dynamics simulation package.
LAMMPSClassical molecular dynamics code.
MolproAb initio quantum chemistry
NAMDParallel molecular dynamics for biomolecular systems
NBONatural Bond Orbital program (Electron analysis)
ONETEPLinear-scaling code for quantum-mechanical calculations based on density-functional theory.
OpenMolcasQuantum chemistry software package using a multiconfigurational approach to the electronic structure.
ORCAAb initio, DFT and semiempirical SCF-MO package for quantum chemistry
TURBOMOLEQuantum chemistry – electronic structure calculations
VASPThe Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package
VMDMolecular Graphics Visualisation Tool

Computer Aided Engineering (FEA and CFD)

AbaqusFinite Element Analysis package
Code_SaturneHighly scalable computational fluid dynamics solver
FEAT-WMTFinite Element Weld Modelling Tool.
FluentA computational fluid dynamics package
OpenFOAM, RheoTool and swak4FoamFluid dynamics platform
StarCCMA computation continuum mechanics application

Compilers for software development

FOSS (gcc) ToolchainsGCC toolchains (compiler, maths libraries, MPI)
Intel ToolchainsIntel Compiler toolchains (compiler, maths libraries, MPI)
PGI CompilerC/C++/FORTRAN/OpenACC compiler suite

Data-file reader/writer libraries and tools

No apps documented in this category yet. Run module avail to check if anything has been installed in this category.

Misc software development libraries

No apps documented in this category yet. Run module avail to check if anything has been installed in this category.

Earth Sciences

WPSWRF Prepocessing System
WRFWeather Research and Forecasting

Scripting languages

JuliaPower mathematical programming and scripting language with native parallel capability

Low-level utility libraries

No apps documented in this category yet. Run module avail to check if anything has been installed in this category.

Mathematics, Data Structure and Meshing libraries

MATLABNumerical computation, visualization and programming

Message Passing Interface parallel software library and tools

FOSS (gcc) ToolchainsGCC toolchains (compiler, maths libraries, MPI)
Intel ToolchainsIntel Compiler toolchains (compiler, maths libraries, MPI)
PGI CompilerC/C++/FORTRAN/OpenACC compiler suite

Low-level maths routines

No apps documented in this category yet. Run module avail to check if anything has been installed in this category.


SerpentMonte-carlo Nuclear reactor physics

Very low-level utility libraries and apps

SingularityContainer execution

Compiler + Maths libs + MPI bundles for convenience

FOSS (gcc) ToolchainsGCC toolchains (compiler, maths libraries, MPI)
Intel ToolchainsIntel Compiler toolchains (compiler, maths libraries, MPI)

Low-level utility libraries and apps

git & git-lfsFree and open source distributed version control system
pigz and unpigzParallel gzip file compression/decompression
XMGrace2D interactive plotting tool

Visualization and graphics libraries and apps

VMDMolecular Graphics Visualisation Tool
XMGrace2D interactive plotting tool

Custom Applications

These applications (which also appear in the categories above) have been installed manually by the RI Team. They may have restricted licenses that only users from specific groups, departments or faculties may access. Please check each application’s page for details.

AbaqusFinite Element Analysis package
FEAT-WMTFinite Element Weld Modelling Tool.
FluentA computational fluid dynamics package
Gaussian 09Molecular Dynamics simulation package.
NAMDParallel molecular dynamics for biomolecular systems
NBONatural Bond Orbital program (Electron analysis)

Last modified on October 25, 2023 at 3:04 pm by George Leaver