User Accounts

Who can access CSF4

As stated elsewhere, the CSF4 is available to members of contributing groups, depts, faculties, that are mainly running multi-node jobs. If you are unsure whether your faculty, dept, or research group has contributed to the system please contact us via the support portal HPC help form. We will also contact potential users based on their CSF3 usage. However, the CSF3 remains the default / primary computational resource on which users should request an account. Please note that there is no “free at the point of use” option for CSF4.

Access to CSF4 will depend on a number of factors including

  1. The Faculty/School/Department you are a part of
  2. Who your PI/Supervisor is
  3. what type of jobs you need to run (CSF is mostly for multi-node jobs)
  4. What software you need to run
  5. Resource requirements (for example there are no high memory nodes or GPUs in CSF4)

For now, we have mostly asked people from the departments of CEAS and MACE who are using specific applications whether they want to use the CSF4.

The Research Infrastructure Team will help you determine which system you should be using.

Visitors/Collaborators, account extensions, your account at the end of a course/contract.

Please see the information on the CSF3 accounts pageas this is all applicable for CSF4 too.

IT Policies and Regulations

All users must have completed IT Sign Up to be granted an account on the CSF4 and follow IT policies and regulations.

Last modified on January 2, 2025 at 1:51 pm by Pen Richardson