Batch commands (sbatch, squeue, scancel, sacct, …)

Batch Commands

Your applications should be run in the batch system. You’ll need a jobscript (a plain text file) describing your job – its CPU, memory and optionally duration, and also the commands you actually want the job to run.

You’ll then use one or more of the following batch system commands to submit your job to the system and check on its status. These commands should be run from the CSF’s login nodes.

If you are a CSF3 user, you may find our SGE to Slurm page useful – it shows a side-by-side list of SGE commands and their Slurm equivalents. Various jobscript flags are also compared.

Slurm has many more command-line tools than SGE. Here are the most common:

sbatch jobscript
scancel jobid
sacct -j jobid
scontrol show jobid=jobid
scontrol update job options
Please see the Slurm online ‘man’ pages for comprehensive documentation on all of the Slurm commands.

Last modified on March 20, 2024 at 4:30 pm by George Leaver