Code_Saturne v7.0.2

Running the application

Code_Saturne v7.0.2 can be used after executing on the login node:

module load code_saturne/7.0.2-iomkl-2020.02-python-3.8.2

Similarly, the GUI of Code_Saturne v7.0.2 can be launched by typing:

code_saturne gui setup.xml 


./code_saturne setup.xml

in the DATA directory.

Note: You need to ensure you have connected to the CSF with X-forwarding enabled (e.g. ssh -X). For more information on how to do this please see the Logging in to use GUI apps documentation.

Further information and available options can be found after executing

code_saturne --help

Once you have set up your study/case file structure, you will need to edit the “runcfg” file for submission to the queue. Follow the instructions for using Slurm on CSF4 as to what flags you should use.

# Add these flags to the runcfg file near the top of the file
#SBATCH -p multicore       # A single node (multicore) job
#SBATCH -n 40              # for up to 40


# Add these flags to the runcfg file near the top of the file
#SBATCH -p multinode       # A multinode job
#SBATCH -n 80              # for 80 to 200 cores in multiples of 40

After editing the file you can submit it by typing:

code_saturne submit

Note: It is highly recommended that if you are using any user subroutine, do a test compilation before submitting by typing:

code_saturne compile

The DEBUG version of the code has been installed which it allows to use a debugger to trace back of any errors and memory leaks. In order to view the available options of the gdb debugger, add the




flag, i.e.:

gdb -h

In order to find more information of a potential error in either the setup or the routines prepared for the case, the following commands need to be executed in the failed directory “RESU/YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM”:

gdb cs_solver

To exit the debugger:


In addition to run the gdb debugger, some hints about the error or the reason for the case failure can be extracted by calling the”addr2line” utility in the failed run directory:

 addr2line -e ./cs_solver 0x400819

where 0x400819 is an example of an address in the call stack.

Further info

NB: A tutorial on how to run Code_Saturne on CSF4 is made available in:


Last modified on February 1, 2023 at 12:43 pm by