Toolchains, Compilers, Debuggers, Profilers

Software that can be categorized as compilers, debuggers, profilers etc. For a full list of software see the A-Z list.


Toolchains are a convenient method of loading the modulefiles for a particular compiler and possibly maths libraries and MPI libraries. For example, toolchains exist for the Intel Compiler, Intel with MKL maths libraries and Intel+MKL+OpenMPI. There is also a free-open-source-software toolchain that provides the GCC compiler and various libraries built with that compiler.

FOSS (gcc) ToolchainsGCC toolchains (compiler, maths libraries, MPI)
Intel ToolchainsIntel Compiler toolchains (compiler, maths libraries, MPI)


FOSS (gcc) ToolchainsGCC toolchains (compiler, maths libraries, MPI)
Intel ToolchainsIntel Compiler toolchains (compiler, maths libraries, MPI)
PGI CompilerC/C++/FORTRAN/OpenACC compiler suite

Debuggers / Profilers

No apps documented in this category yet. Run module avail to check if anything has been installed in this category.

Last modified on August 21, 2020 at 6:31 pm by George Leaver