OpenFOAM, RheoTool and swak4Foam


OpenFOAM (Open source Field Operation And Manipulation) is a C++ toolbox for the development of customized numerical solvers, and pre-/post-processing utilities for the solution of continuum mechanics problems, including computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

Some versions have been installed from and some from (see modulefile information below for further notes).

Versions currently available are: see modulefiles below.

User are requested not to output data every timestep of their simulation if not needed. This can create a huge number of files and directories in your scratch area (we have seen millions of files generated). Please ensure you modify your controlDict file to turn off writing at every timestep. For example, set purgeWrite 5 to keep just 5 timesteps worth and set a suitable writeInterval. Please check the controlDict online documentation for more keywords and options.

If you no longer need the individual processorNNN directories after recomposing your mesh, you can delete the directories inside your jobscript using: rm -rf processor*

To check your scratch usage (space consumed and number of files) run the following command on the login node: scrusage

Restrictions on use

OpenFOAM is distributed by the OpenFOAM Foundation and is freely available and open source, licensed under open source licenses. All CSF users may use this software.

Set up procedure

This slightly different to most other CSF applications. You must first load a modulefile and then follow the instruction that it will display to source a further file:

source $FOAM_BASH

The $FOAM_BASH variable is set by the modulefile.

OpenFOAM expects the variable FOAM_RUN to be set for your job and to contain the relevant files and directories. It is recommended to use scratch and then copy back any needed results to your home directory

In your jobscript you can use one of the following module load commands for the different versions on CSF4. versions

module load openfoam/10-foss-2021a
module load openfoam/9-foss-2021a
module load openfoam/8-foss-2020a
module load openfoam/7-foss-2019b-20200508
module load openfoam/6-foss-2019b
module load openfoam/5.0-foss-2019b-20180606

In addition, RheoTool can be loaded with this version. This is a separate modulefile which should be loaded after the openfoam modulefile. For example:

# For OF9
module load openfoam/9-foss-2021a
module load rheotool/6.0-foss-2021a

# For OF6
module load openfoam/6-foss-2019b 
module load rheotool/3.0-foss-2019b

In addition, swak4Foam can be loaded with this version. This is a separate modulefile which should be loaded after the openfoam modulefile. For example:

# For OF9
module load openfoam/9-foss-2021a
module load swak4foam/2021.05-foss-2021a

# For OF7
module load openfoam/7-foss-2019b-20200508
module load swak4foam/2021.05-foss-2019b

# For OF6
module load openfoam/6-foss-2019b 
module load swak4foam/2021.05-foss-2019b

# You can load everything on one line using the default swak4foam version (2021.05-foss-2019b):
module load openfoam/6-foss-2019b swak4foam versions

This version contains, in addition to the main OpenFOAM tools, “customer sponsored developments and contributions from the community, including the OpenFOAM Foundation. This Official OpenFOAM release contains several man years of client-sponsored developments of which much has been transferred to, but not released in the OpenFOAM Foundation branch”

openfoam/v2306-foss-2021a      # Untested - please report any problems to its-ri-team

In addition, swak4Foam can be loaded with some of these versions. This is a separate modulefile which should be loaded after the openfoam modulefile. For example:

# For v2006
module load openfoam/v2006-foss-2020a
module load swak4foam/2021.05-foss-2020a

# If you require swak4Foam for other OF versions, please contact us.

Running the application

User are requested not to output data every timestep of their simulation if not needed. This can create a huge number of files and directories in your scratch area (we have seen millions of files generated). Please ensure you modify your controlDict file to turn off writing at every timestep. For example, set purgeWrite 5 to keep just the most recent 5 timesteps worth and set a suitable writeInterval. Please check the controlDict online documentation for more keywords and options.

To check your scratch usage (space consumed and number of files) run the following command on the login node: scrusage

Serial batch job submission

  1. Ensure you have followed the Set Up Procedure by making sure it sets FOAM_RUN.
  2. Now in the top directory ($FOAM_RUN) where you have set up your job/case (the one containing 0, constant and system) create a batch submission script, called for example openfoam.slurm containing:
    #!/bin/bash --login
    # Job runs in current dir by default
    # Load the required version
    module load openfoam/v2006-foss-2020a
    mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/OpenFoam
    export FOAM_RUN=/scratch/$USER/OpenFoam
    source $FOAM_BASH                          # Note: Different on CSF3
    cd $FOAM_RUN

    replacing interFoam with the OpenFOAM executable appropriate to your job/case.

  3. Submit the job: sbatch openfoam.slurm
  4. A log of the job will got to the SLURM output file, e.g. slurm-12345.out

Parallel batch job submission – single node

  1. Ensure you have followed the Set Up Procedure by making sure it sets FOAM_RUN.
  2. You will need to decompose your case before you can run it. Ensure that you have a file called decomposeParDict in your job/case system directory, specifying the number of cores you wish to use with numberOfSubdomains and a suitable decompositon method (e.g. simple) and related settings (see Further Information below for links to documentation that will help you this).
  3. Now run this command from the top level directory of your job/case (the one containing 0, constant and system):
    # This will run an interactive single-core job
    module load openfoam/your-required-version
    srun --pty decomposePar
    # Alternatively submit a single-core batch job
    module load openfoam/your-required-version
    sbatch -J decomposePar --wrap="decomposePar"
  4. Once your decompose job has finished, still in the top directory, create a batch submission script, called for example openfoam-par.slurm containing:
    #!/bin/bash --login
    # Job runs in the current directory by default
    #SBATCH -p multicore     # Parallel single-node job
    #SBATCH -n 4             # 4 cores
    # Load the required version
    module purge
    module load openfoam/v2006-foss-2020a
    mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/OpenFoam
    export FOAM_RUN=/scratch/$USER/OpenFoam
    source $FOAM_BASH                          # Note: Different on CSF3
    cd $FOAM_RUN
    # mpirun knows how many MPI processes to start
    mpirun interFoam -parallel

    replacing interFoam with the OpenFOAM executable appropriate to your job/case.

    The number after #SBATCH -n must match the numberOfSubdomains setting you made earlier, if it doesn’t your job will fail.

  5. Submit the job: sbatch openfoam-par.slurm
  6. A log of the job will got to the SLURM output file, e.g. slurm-12345.out

Single node limits

  • The minimum number of cores for any parallel job is 2.
  • The maximum number of cores in the multicore partition is 40.

Parallel batch job submission – multi-node (2 or more nodes)

  1. Ensure you have followed the Set Up Procedure by making sure it sets FOAM_RUN.
  2. You will need to decompose your case before you can run it. Ensure that you have a file called decomposeParDict in your job/case system directory ($FOAM_RUN) specifying the number of cores you wish to use with numberOfSubdomains and a suitable decompositon method, e.g. simple, and related settings (see Further Information below for links to documentation that will help you this).
  3. Now run this command from the top level directory of your job/case (the one containing 0, constant and system, $FOAM_RUN):
  4. Next, still in the top directory, create a batch submission script, called for example sge.openfoam.par containing:
    #!/bin/bash --login
    # Job runs in the current directory by default
    #SBATCH -p multinode     # Parallel multi-node job
    #SBATCH -N 2             # Number of 40-core compute nodes (2 or more)
    ###### Alternatively, you can specify the total number of cores
    #  #SBATCH -n 80            # 80 cores = 2 x 40-core compute nodes
    # Load the required version
    module purge
    module load openfoam/v2006-foss-2020a
    mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/OpenFoam
    export FOAM_RUN=/scratch/$USER/OpenFoam
    source $FOAM_BASH                          # Note: Different on CSF3
    cd $FOAM_RUN
    # mpirun knows how many MPI processes to start
    mpirun interFoam -parallel

    replacing interFoam with the OpenFOAM executable appropriate to your job/case.

    The number after #SBATCH -n or the number of compute nodes multiplied by 40 must match the numberOfSubdomains setting you made earlier, if it doesn’t your job will fail.

  5. Submit the job: sbatch openfoam-par.slurm
  6. A log of the job will got to the SLURM output file, e.g. slurm-12345.out.

Multinode limits

  • multinode – Jobs must be 80 or more cores, in multiples of 40.

Reducing disk space

OpenFOAM can generate a lot of output files – especially if the results of every time-step are written to disk (we strongly discourage this!) Once you’ve post-processed your time-step files, do you need to keep them? If not you could simply delete the files:

# Caution - this will delete a lot of files - scratch is NOT backed up!
cd ~/scratch/my-openfoam-sim
rm -rf processor*

If you ran the reconstructPar app to recombine the results from each CPU, you will still have a file for every time-step in the postProcessing directory. Do you need this – for example, if you have generated a movie file of the results, you might not want the individual time-step files:

# Caution - this will delete a lot of files - scratch is NOT backed up!
cd ~/scratch/my-openfoam-sim
rm -rf postProcessing

If you do want to keep the files, archiving them in to a single compressed file will save a lot of space. While time-step files might be individually small, the fact that the GPFS filesystem has a minimum block size means very small files actually consume more space than is really needed for them.

The following job-script will archive all of your step files in to a single compressed tar archive:

#$ -cwd
#$ -pe 4
#$ -l short
#$ -j y
module load pigz/2.4-gcccore-9.3.0
tar cf - processor* postProcessing |  pigz -p $NSLOTS > my-openfoam-sim.tar.gz

Submit the job from the directory where your OpenFOAM files are located, using qsub jobscript where jobscript is the name of your file.

Once the job has finished you can remove the individual directories as shown above.

You should also copy the my-openfoam-sim.tar.gz file to your home directory:

cp my-openfoam-sim.tar.gz ~

or to your Research Data Storage area.

If you ever need to extract the files from the archive, simply run:

tar xzf my-openfoam-sim.tar.gz

It will recreate the above directories and files in your current directory.

Additional advice

  • When changing the number of cores you will need to adjust your input files appropriately and ensure decomposePar is re-run.
  • If the decomposePar command takes more than a few minutes to run or uses significant resource on the login node then please include it in your job submission script instead by including it on the line before the mpirun so that it executes as part of the batch job on the compute node.

Further info

Last modified on December 21, 2023 at 3:37 pm by George Leaver