Running a Job

First Practical Session 2/3

Run two vanilla universe jobs

  1. Examine the two vanilla universe jobs, the hello* files:
    • Look in the Fortran source files, hello*.f90 notice that one prints a message to STDOUT; the second writes to a file, myfile.txt.
    • In the Condor submit files, hello*.cmd, notice the file-transfer related commands.
  2. Compile and submit the two vanilla universe jobs:
        gfortran -o hello hello.f90
        condor_submit hello.cmd
        gfortran -o hello-2 hello-2.f90
        condor_submit hello-2.cmd
  3. If you are quick you may catch your jobs in the Condor pool queue by using condor_q.
  4. Check the output and error files, and also the newly-created file myfile.txt.



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