Amber (pmemd.cuda)

Amber (Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement) is a general purpose molecular mechanics/dynamics suite which uses analytic potential energy functions, derived from experimental and ab initio data, to refine macromolecular conformations.

It contains pmemd.cuda which provides GPU-accelerated simulation capabilities, specifically for Nvidia GPUs. You are strongly advised to read the pmemd.cuda page for information on supported features and number of atoms that can be simulated in the CUDA version.

Zrek provides:

  • version Amber 16 (bugfix 8) + AmberTools 17 (bugfix 12) compiled with GCC 4.4.6 + MPICH2 3.1 + CUDA 8.0.44
  • version Amber 16 (bugfix 8) + AmberTools 17 (bugfix 12) compiled with Intel 15.0.3 + OpenMPI 1.6 + CUDA 8.0.44
  • version Amber 14 (bugfix 8) + AmberTools 14 (bugfix 22) compiled with GCC 4.4.6 + MPICH2 3.1 + CUDA 6.5.14
  • version Amber 12 (bugfix 21) + AmberTools 13 (bugfix 23) compiled with GCC 4.4.6 + MPICH2 3.1 + CUDA 5.5.22

This page documents usage of the pmemd.cuda component of Amber. For more information on the other (CPU) codes, please refer to the CSF Amber Page.

Restrictions on use

This software is licensed for University of Manchester users. All users should familiarise themselves with the appropriate amber licenses and guidelines before using this software:

You must confirm to that you have read the license and University guidelines and that your usage will comply with their terms before you can be added to the amber unix group which restricts access to the software.

There is no access to the source code – groups that require source access should get in touch with us to see if this can be arranged.

Supported Backend Nodes

This application is available on the Nvidia GPU nodes: besso and kaiju[1-5]. Please see the K40 node instructions and the K20 node instructions for how to access the nodes.

Set up procedure

pmemd.cuda can be run interactively on a backend node or in batch using a jobscript submitted from the login node (similar to the CSF). Where you run from affects when and where you should load the modulefile:

  • If running interactive on a backend node load the modulefile after logging in to that backend node.
  • If running in batch, submitting a jobscript from the login node, load the modulefile before submitting the job on the login node.

In both of the above cases, load one of the following modulefiles:

# Version 16
module load apps/gcc/amber/16-cuda-mpi-at17
module load apps/intel-15.0/amber/16-cuda-mpi-at17

# Version 14
module load apps/gcc/amber/14-cuda-mpi-at14

# Version 12
module load apps/gcc/amber/12-cuda-mpi-at13

This will load the necessary CUDA and MPICH2 modulefiles for you.

Running the application

The following instructions describe interactive use on a backend node and batch jobs from the login node.

Interactive use on a Backend Node

Once logged in to a backend K20 node or K40 node (using qrsh) and having loaded the modulefile there, run:

pmemd.cuda -O -i mdin -o mdout -p prmtop -c inpcrd -r restrt -x mdcrd

This will use the GPU assigned to you.

If you have reserved both GPUs you must use MPI to run two instances of pmemd.cuda, one on each GPU, as follows:

mpirun -np 2 pmemd.cuda.MPI -O -i mdin -o mdout -p prmtop \
                            -c inpcrd -r restrt -x mdcrd

The GPU precision used by pmemd.cuda executables is SPFP – mixed single precision and 64bit fixed-point precision.

Single GPU jobs running in Batch

Do not log in to a backend node. The job must be submitted from the zrek login node. Ensure you have loaded the correct modulefile on the login node and then create a jobscript similar to the following:

#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -cwd                   # Run job from directory where submitted
#$ -V                     # Inherit environment (modulefile) settings
#$ -l k20                 # Select a single GPU (Nvidia K20) node

pmemd.cuda -O -i mdin -o out.$JOB_ID

Submit your jobscript from the zrek login node using

qsub jobscript

where jobscript is the name of your jobscript.

Dual GPU jobs running in Batch

Do not log in to a backend node. The job must be submitted from the zrek login node. Ensure you have loaded the correct modulefile on the login node and then create a jobscript similar to the following:

#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -cwd                   # Run job from directory where submitted
#$ -V                     # Inherit environment (modulefile) settings
#$ -l k20duo              # Select a Dual GPU (Nvidia K20) node

mpirun -np 2 pmemd.cuda -O -i mdin -o out.$JOB_ID

Submit your jobscript from the zrek login node using

qsub jobscript

where jobscript is the name of your jobscript.

Please ensure that when running parallel amber you have selected the correct executable – normally with .MPI at the end of the name. Running a serial executable with multiple cores is inefficient and may give inaccurate results. If you in doubt about whether the part of amber you wish to use can be run in parallel please check the amber manual.

Further info

  • Manuals are available on the system ($AMBERHOME/doc)
  • The Amber web site also has manuals, tutorials, an FAQ and mailing list:



Last modified on April 29, 2018 at 11:07 am by George Leaver