C++ code for printing Hello World and current directory

C++ code for printing “Hello World”, displaying the current working directory and the GNU compiler version.

Compiling using GNU compiler suite version 4.8.3 and submitting to HTCondor

  • g++ hello_world.cc -o hello_world
  • condor_submit submit_GCC483.txt

using the following HTCondor submit file.

Compiling using GNU compiler suite version 4.9.4 and submitting to HTCondor

  • module load gcc/4.9.4
  • g++ hello_world.cc -o hello_world
  • condor_submit submit_GCC494.txt

using the following HTCondor submit file.

Compiling using GNU compiler suite version 5.5.0 and submitting to HTCondor

  • module load gcc/5.5.0
  • g++ hello_world.cc -o hello_world
  • condor_submit submit_GCC550.txt

using the following HTCondor submit file.

Compiling using GNU compiler suite version 6.4.0 and submitting to HTCondor

  • module load gcc/6.4.0
  • g++ hello_world.cc -o hello_world
  • condor_submit submit_GCC640.txt

using the following HTCondor submit file.

Last modified on March 6, 2018 at 5:23 pm by Chris Paul